
ملزمة سؤال وإجابة علوم لغات للصف الثالث الإبتدائي 2024

ملزمة سؤال وإجابة علوم لغات للصف الثالث الإبتدائي 2024

    نقدم لكم من خلال ملزمة سؤال وإجابة علوم لغات، تحتوي هذة الملزمة علي جميع اسئلة الفصول الاربعة، وتاتي بنظام الامتحانات الجديدة وتحنوي علي اسئلة الصح والخطا واسئلة الاكمل وسوالي المصطلح العلمي وغيرها من الاسلئة.

    ملزمة سؤال وإجابة علوم لغات

    ملزمة سؤال وإجابة علوم لغات

    1- Put (√) or (x) :-

    1. The life cycle of hen starts with hen then they hatch to chick. (x)
    2. The hens give birth to egg. (x)
    3. The rabbit lays eggs. (x)
    4. The life cycle of hen starts with egg then they hatch to chick. (√)
    5. Males and females produce youngs of the different kind. (x)
    6. Some baby animals like dogs differ from their parents in color. (√)
    7. Some baby animals like dogs differ from their parents in kind. (x)
    8. Some baby animals like turtles differ from their parents. (x)
    9. The life cycle of rabbit starts with eggs then they hatch to babies. (x)
    10. Some baby animals like turtles look like their parents. (√)

    2- Complete :-

    1.The life cycle in animals is the ordered stages in their life time.
    2.Males and females produce youngs of the same kind.
    3.Some baby animals like turtles look like their parents.
    4.Some baby animals like dogs differ from their parents in color.
    5.The life cycle of hens starts with eggs then they hatch to chicks.
    6.The rabbit give birth to baby rabbit.
    7.The life cycle in animals is like a circle.
    8.The baby rabbits grow to older rabbits.

    3- Give scientific term :-

    1. The ordered stages in the animal’s life time. (life cycle in animals)
    2. It’s life cycle starts with eggs then they hatch to chicks.
    i. (life cycle in hen)
    3. The rabbit gives birth to baby rabbit, and then they grow to older rabbit
    which will give birth to baby rabbit again. (life cycle in rabbit)

    4- Give reason :-

    1- The life cycle in animals is like a circle.
    Because one stage in the life cycle leads to another.
    Lesson Two

    1- Put (√) or (x) :-

    1. Seeds differ in shape and number. (√)
    2. Seeds differ in shape only. (x)
    3. Seeds differ in shape. (√)
    4. Fruits contain flowers. (x)
    5. Tomatoes have many seeds. (√)
    6. The sun flower seeds have round shape. (x)
    7. Dates have one seed. (√)
    8. The seed is a baby of animals. (x)
    9. The seed is a baby plant. (√)
    10. Apricots and mangoes have one seed. (√)
    11. Pea seeds are round. (√)
    12. Seeds germinate to give new plants. (√)
    13. All seeds have the same shape. (x)

    2- Choose the correct answer :-

    1. Water melons and pomegranates have (no – one – many) seeds.
    2. The shape of a sunflower seed is (triangular – oval – round).
    3. Fruits contain (plants – flowers – seeds).
    4. (Oranges – Dates – Figs) have one seed.
    5. A seed is (big – small – baby) plant.
    6. The shape of beans seed is (square – oval – triangular).

    3- Complete the sentences :-

    1. The shape of mangoes seed is oval.
    2. The shape of sunflower seed is triangular.
    3. The shape of pea seed is round.
    4. The shape of wheat seed is oval.
    5. Seed is a baby plant.
    6. Seeds differ is shape and number in different plants.
    7. Seeds germinate to give new plants.
    8. Pomegranates have many seeds.
    9. Dates have one seed.
    10. Seeds germinate to give new plants.
    11. Apricot seed is oval.
    12. Apricots and plums have one seed.

    4- Give scientific term :-

    1. The baby plants which germinate to give new plants. (Seed)
    2. The shape of the lentil seed. (Round shape)
    3. The product of the germination of seeds. (New plant)
    4. The growing up of the seeds. (Germination)
    Lesson Three

    1- Complete :-

    1. Seeds germinate to give new plant.
    2. Seeds need soil , water , air and suitable temperature to germinate.
    3. Seeds are found inside the fruit.
    4. Without soil, water , air and suitable temperature the seeds can not germinate .
    5. Fruits give more seeds.
    6. After new plants grow, they give fruits.
    7. Soil , water and air are necessary for seed germination.

    2- Write the scientific term :-

    1. It is the ordered stages of the plant begin from seeds then give new plant then new plants grow, then give fruits, these fruits give more seeds.
    (The life cycle of a plant)

    3- Arrange the following stages of the life cycle of a plant :-

    (2) New plant.
    (1) Seeds germinate.
    (3) New plant grow.
    (5) Fruits give more seeds.
    (4) Fruits.
    Lesson Four

    1- Complete :-

    1. The plant grows to give fruits.
    2. When the seeds germinate, the baby leaves grow above the soil.
    3. When seeds germinate, they give baby root below soil.
    4. Seeds absorb water from the soil.
    5. When the seed absorbs water, its coat breaks.

    2- Choose :-

    1. When the seed absorbs water, its coat (shrinks – breaks – grows).
    2. When seeds germinate, they give baby roots (below – above – over) the soil.
    3. When the seeds germinate, the baby leaves grow (below – inside – above) the soil.
    4. The plant grows to give (juice – fruit – soil).
    5. Seeds absorb (juice – air – water) from the soil.

    3- Arrange the following steps of germination :-

    (4) The plant grows to give fruits and more seeds.
    (1) The seed absorbs water from the soil.
    (3) The seed gives a new plant (baby roots and baby leaves)
    (2) The seed coat breaks and gives baby roots.

    4- Put (√) or (x) :-

    1. The plant grows to give milk. (x)
    2. Seeds absorb water and their coats break. (√)
    3. Seeds absorb juice from the soil. (x)
    4. Seeds germinate and baby leaves grow below the soil. (x)
    5. Seeds germinate and baby roots grow above the soil. (x)

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